PyCon CZ

PyCon CZ 23
15–17 September

Dictionaries under the hood a talk by Václav Horký

Friday 15 September 12:30 (30 minutes)

Python – what if everything was a dictionary?

In this talk, I will show how dictionaries can be implemented in general — by search trees and hash tables —, how Python does it, and what are some of the tricks it uses to make dictionaries more efficient and useful e. g. how they maintain the order of insertion.

What do you need to know to enjoy this talk

Python level

Medium knowledge: You use frameworks and third-party libraries.

About the topic

You used or did it just a few times.

Václav Horký

I am a graduate of Czech and Latin linguistics and currently a PhD student and programmer at the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (Faculty of Arts, Charles University). I also teach programming a bit.

I like poking at internals of computers and programming languages more than using them for practical purposes.

Friday 15 September

11:50 __floor__

Panel Discussion: You Build It You Run It

Ladislav Prskavec, Vilibald Wanča, Nada Jašíková & Karel Minařík
11:50 __init__
12:20 __main__




12:30 __main__
12:40 __floor__


13:00 __main__


13:00 __doc__
13:20 __init__

How to give great feedback

Daryl Seager & Eliška Čejpová