PyCon CZ

PyCon CZ 23
15–17 September

Taming the Serverless Beast: Hexagonal Architecture with Python a talk by Anton Caceres

Friday 15 September 17:20 (30 minutes)

Juggling with serverless applications feels like you've been dropped in a chaotic circus without the guiding light of OOP framework principles. You're left navigating a maelstrom of independent, lightweight handler functions running wild. Yet, in this riveting talk, we'll harness this pandemonium using a secret weapon – hexagonal architecture.

In this engaging session, we'll dive deep into Python functions and introduce you to the power of Hexagonal Ports and Adapters. We will tackle how to structure your serverless functions as adapters surrounding a central application, ensuring your business logic remains untouched by external influences. From understanding how to define clear contracts between your application and its adapters to managing dependencies and orchestrating interactions, you will learn practical techniques that you can apply directly to your Python projects.

This isn't your average tech talk. It's an adventure that'll equip you with the tools and insights to become a maestro of serverless Python apps. From the intricacies of managing serverless apps to the merits of hexagonal architecture, we've got you covered.

What do you need to know to enjoy this talk

Python level

Medium knowledge: You use frameworks and third-party libraries.

About the topic

No previous knowledge of the topic is required, basic concepts will be explained.

Anton Caceres

I am a passionate Python developer and event organizer, running a software agency in Munich. With a history of organizing PyCons and leading the PyMunich meetup, I am also proud to be a Python Software Foundation fellow. My journey is all about continuous learning and knowledge sharing.

Friday 15 September

16:40 __main__
16:40 __init__


17:20 __main__
17:20 __doc__


18:00 __main__

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