NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib a workshop with Roman Pavelka
Sunday, 16 June, 10:00 in room EB129
It is well possible to use Python as powerful graphical calculator and replace specialized software as is e.g. MATLAB. This workshop provides introduction how to achieve this using established Python packages NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib.
Numpy provides fast array data types and related operations with them, advanced scientific functions are available through scipy and rich visualization possibilities are offered by matplotlib.
Workshop will cover installation, examples of basic functionality of numpy and scipy, pointers to documentation of both packages, few more advanced use cases combining computation and visualization and several real-world examples from my professional experience where these tools were useful.
Workshop will take 2 hours.
There will be maximum of 30 attendees.
We’re sorry but registration is not possible anymore.
It is possible to attend and only watch but I'd recommend to have machine with Python 3, numpy, scipy and matplotlib already installed.
Windows and Mac users can achieve this by installing Python distribution Anaconda with all required packages already present. Linux users can follow these instructions.
Anyway, there will be short section of workshop dedicated to installation for those who wouldn't had time for installation before.
Roman Pavelka
I studied physics, specialized on scientific computing and computer controlled experimentation and I’m working in the field for 10 years now with Python as my language of choice from the beginning. My professional history includes scientific computing at Czech Academy of Sciences (Astrophysical Institute and Institute of Atmospheric Physics), DevOps engineering at Red Hat and currently machine vision and artificial intelligence job at Czech company Sobriety in Kuřim near Brno.