Mass cor­re­spon­dence with Inkscape and Python a workshop with Ondřej Caletka

Sunday, 16 June, 14:00 in room EB130

In this workshop, we will create a set of personalized meeting badges, one-time-password slips or similar items. We will use Inkscape to prepare designs and then template them using Python. In the end, we'll get a PDF that's ready to get printed.

Inkscape is a popular professional quality vector graphics open source software.

This workshop is suitable for both beginner and advanced Pythonistas.

Workshop will take 2 hours.

There will be maximum of 30 attendees.

We’re sorry but registration is not possible anymore.


You need to bring a laptop with Inkscape and Python 3.5+

Preferred OS is Linux, but other OSes should be fine.

Ondřej Caletka

I'm an open source enthusiast, working as admin/developer for CESNET, Czech academic backbone operator, responsible mostly for DNS/e-mail services operation. I give speeches at various open-source related conferences and I also write articles for

Python is my favourite programming language thanks to its simplicity, readability and portability. I like to use it as a scripting language every time shell scripts become too long, ugly and unmaintainable.

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