Mindful learning a talk by Anastázie Sedláková
Friday, 14 June, 11:50 in Ballroom
Nowadays, we hear from all the places that we need to push ourselves hard to achieve something. Especially when learning something new and complex, like programming.
After teaching dozens of people to program and after having switched career myself (from a geneticist to a data scientist), I think quite the opposite. The more you are connected to yourself, the more successful you are in learning.
In my talk, I will share tips on how to learn efficiently. Key of the whole process is to reduce stress. It improves performance and makes learning more fun.
Anastázie Sedláková
I am an occasional lecturer, part-time data scientist and full-time mom. Together with my husband, we are organizing programming courses. When teaching, I like to witness progress in learning and understanding.
My background is in statistical genetics. During my PhD, I learned to program. After maternity leave, I changed the field completely – to work with financial data as a data scientist.
I also lead a workshop Put your data on the map with ease