Organized by community for community

5th PyCon CZ is organized by volunteers from Czech Python community for anyone interested in Python: professionals, novices, students and hobbyist Python programmers from Czechia and abroad. Everyone gets a chance to learn, receive support, and connect with others in a friendly atmosphere.

Attendees said about PyCon CZ

Watch a short video from the first PyCon CZ or check talks from previous years on PyCon CZ YouTube channel.

Keynote speakers

Jackie Kazil

Parallels Between Career Building and Home Remodeling

Jackie is a Czech-American engineer and former White House Presidential Innovation Fellow. She has worked for various major companies and government agencies like The Washington Post and The Library of Congress. She is a leader in PyLadies and sits on the Board of Directors for the Python Software Foundation. She is the creator of Mesa, an agent-based modeling library in Python and is working on her Ph.D in Computational Social Science.

JackieKazil jackiekazil

Karla Fejfar­ová

Of Mice and Men and Python

Karla Fejfarová is a biostatistician at the Czech Centre of Phenogenomics, where she helps other scientists with computer-related tasks: anything from tweaking Excel sheets and making plots to doing data analyses and training neural networks. Together with Petr Šimeček, she maintains the Twitter account @python_tip.

karlafej karlafej

Mislav Cimper­šak

On the Edge of Leader­ship

Mislav Cimperšak leads teams of various sizes in several companies. He’s both remote and on-site as anything between a web developer and a team lead. He’s responsible for everything from software architecture, team management, project planning, and mentoring to straight down programming. In the last few years, he’s been rediscovering his love for DevOps.

mislavcimpersak mislavcimpersak

Josef Svoboda

Leveraging technology and laziness

Josef Svoboda is an investment manager specialising in quantitative credit investing, struggling to balance his passion for elegant mathematics with a keen scepticism of the rigor of modelling in social sciences. He is currently working for a fixed income specialist and has experience across factor portfolio construction, LDI, credit research and data analytics.

Check the rest of talks, workshops & sprints

Sponsors and Partners

PyCon CZ relies on sponsors to keep ticket prices affordable. If you would like to sponsor the conference learn more about PyCon CZ sponsorship.




