PyCon CZ aims to be the largest annual gathering for the Python community in the Czech Republic.
It’s focused on honoring and supporting awesome people teaching, learning and innovating with Python in Czech Republic and surrounding EU.
PyCon CZ 2018 is over
Thank you all for coming.
You were awesome.
See you in 2019!
Did you forget something at the venue? Do you have any questions? Contact us!
Recordings from all talks are available.
Venues and Events
Meet Factory
Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha 5 – Smíchov1-2 June Talks
1 June Board Game Night
2 June Afterparty
Prague, mother of all cities
Welcome to Prague, one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe. You will surely have a great time, whether you are only staying for the conference or you will take a couple of days to look around.
Endless touristy places, not one, but two castles, excellent food and drinks on every corner, dozens of parks, 4th best ZOO in the world, a river and much more. And of course, what better time to visit than summertime! More about Prague…
Keynote speakers

Karen M. Sandler
TW: @o0karen0o
Karen is the executive director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, which is the nonprofit home of over 40 projects, including e.g. Git, Samba, QEMU, Selenium, and Inkscape.
She is known as a cyborg lawyer for her advocacy for free software as a life-or-death issue, particularly in relation to the software on medical devices.
Karen co-organizes Outreachy, the award-winning outreach program for women and for people of color who are underrepresented in tech. She is a pro bono counsel to the FSF and GNOME.
Karen’s talk: Cyborgs Unite!

Van helps companies with privacy and GDPR issues professionally. He’s been around open source for more than 20 years, but his focus has always been on the side of “making communities work.”
He is also one of the few people that companies come to to help them understand and build sustainable open source communities.
Van’s talk: Balloons, Projects, and Python: Building a Sustainable Community

Flavio worked on Big-Data-oriented applications, search engines, message systems, contributed to Orca, and created MouseTrap, a head-tracker application.
Now he works in Red Hat and spends most of his time hacking on containers and messaging technologies in the OpenStack community. He's part of several technical communitiesand serves as a Technical Committee member.
Flavio’s talk: Lessons Learned from Working Remote

Nick has been working remotely for almost 10 years for companies such as Docker or Elastic, and also working freelance. He says that most of it was a positive experience, although not always!
He would like to share with the audience his experience and opinions whether working remotely may or may not be a good idea for them.
Nick’s talk: Lessons Learned from Working Remote

Sam Trojan
TW: @SamuelTrojan
Sam is only 13 years old but he is already learning how to program, so far in JavaScript as he’s creating his first web pages. We'll also have adults talking about teaching kids to program, but Sam will talk about it from kid's point of view.
He gave a lightning talk at DevFest CZ 2017 in Prague which was well received, so he has even some stage experience.
Sam’s talk: Three Ways My Programming Teacher Rocks (and you can too)!
Our partners
What attendees said about PyCon CZ 2018
#pyconcz this year was awesome! Can't wait to visit next one, thanks to everyone who made it happen and who i got to talk to during the conference :) Zue (@FerkiZue) June 3, 2018
Thanks @pyconcz organizers for their enormous effort to create such welcome and friendly community atmosphere and a great conference! Enjoyed it to the last bit. See you sometimes soon... #PyConCZ Tomáš Hroch (@TomasHroch) June 2, 2018
Attended #pyconcz for the first time. It was one of the best tech conferences I’ve ever been to. Inspiring talks, superb venue, perfect organization and — most importantly — really great community of people. Kudos to the organizers and keep on going! David Majda (@dmajda) June 3, 2018
Just want to thank @pyconcz organizers for such great event! Completely well done job! Enjoyed the conference and after party so much! Great people, even better atmosphere! #pyconcz #python Igor Davydenko (@playpausenstop) June 2, 2018
#pyconcz over but I am still looking on a bright side of life Petr Simecek (@simecek) June 3, 2018
Moc děkujeme pořadatelům #PyConCZ za profesionální zázemí konference a velké díky patří také retroteamu, že věnovali čas našim dětem a zasvětili je do retrogamesek Super přátelská atmosféra!
Programujeme hrou (@programohrajeme) June 2, 2018
I had a lovely time at #pyconcz - thank you, organizers for your hard work! Ann (@AE3nn) June 2, 2018
An extremely successful first day at #PyConCZ. To @BaraDrb and all the other organizers… Bravo! Well done.
Justin Mayer (@jmayer) June 1, 2018