Web testing using Python
a workshop by Magdalena Kabátová

This workshop will be in Czech

Write and run automated tests of web applications in few hours and let it work for you since then. First brief introduction to web testing will be given. Then we will use pytest and Selenium frameworks to create automated tests of a demo web page.

Basic knowledge of Python is required (suitable for PyLadies). Basic knowledge of html and css (DOM and selectors) is advantage.

Requirements: Python 3, Chrome, Git, GitHub account, others will be installed in the workshop.

Magdalena Kabátová


Magdalena a Software Tester at Cleerio – she writes automated tests of web mapping application using Python.

She started with Python in 2015 – with the help of colleagues and courses such as Django Girls workshop and PyLadies Prague. In January 2017 she participated in organizing a weekend workshop on web testing for PyLadies.

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